{TEN}: Overview

With only a couple more weeks of school left, the New Media class is to ponder or relive what we have learned while writing these blogs. Well, here I am to tell you what I have gathered from keeping, writing and researching for a blog.

In the first post it was merely an introduction and what New Media means to us. I see New Media as ever changing and never ending. “Ten, twenty, fifty years from now, when something better than what we have now is created will be known as new media and what we know now of new media will be considered “movable type” or just the beginning of whats going to happen in the future.” This was a quote I stated in the blog and I stand by it still because it’s completely true. Years from now things will have changed. Maybe there won’t be phones, maybe there will be. Maybe there won’t be iPad’s, maybe there will be. There is no answer to what is going to come in the future, but for right now, we have a lot of technology that is indescribable and ever changing.

Post two was laying out your social media, news media and entertainment media in a chart saying what you use for each category. Because this topic was the one I did my Lead Discussion on, I read everyone’s blog and from what I saw from everyone’s charts, consolidation is key. News is integrating with entertainment, social media is integrating with news, etc. Our phones can not only text and call people but it can know where we are, it can show us our favorite shows, it can update us on current events. It has consolidated, New Media has consolidated.

The third post was about when technology makes headlines. It was no surprise to me when I found out that he biggest single event or storyline during the year involved the perils of technology. All I can say about this is, once again, its not technology’s fault, its ours.

Okay, so post number four! This was my favorite. We were to find a good and bad instructive video on YouTube. I figured out from this exercise that YouTube isn’t bad at all. Its more entertaining than anything. Yes, there are bad instructive videos, but YouTube hosts millions of videos so don’t you think there will be at least one good video of that bad instructive one? Also, because YouTube has many restrictions and has the flagging element, bad videos are blocked. I say, keep YouTubing!

The fifth post was about social media involving individuals and social media involving businesses. Social media has become a large part of society. Why? It’s the perfect way to keep in touch with family and friends, the perfect way to advertise your business, the perfect way to keep your virtual garden blooming and the perfect way to stalk someone! Sounds intriguing eh? The bad thing about social media is that it consumes our lives if we don’t maintain a healthy relationship with the phenomenon. All in all, social media is great for individuals AND businesses.

Numero seis, news becoming socially inclined. There is no denying that news has become “hip” with the ages and has conveniently placed their stories online for the technologically savvy. However, not all people want to read their news online. As much as I do love technology and the integration of news and technology, I still like the idea of newspapers, for the sentimental factor. Reading comics, looking through the ads and searching to see if someone I know is getting married in the Lifestyle section was a big part of my Sunday. Now, you have to search through a database to get to what you want. Sometimes its easy, sometimes not. I just hope newspapers stay afloat!

The seventh blog lead us to discuss participatory/citizen journalism. These days everyone’s opinion counts for something. Therefore, citizen journalism has become pretty popular. I like it and dislike it. I think journalism should be left to the professionals but of course thoughts from others can enhance or un-enhance a story. This topic is sticky.

Blog eight was a lot of fun to research because I love digital storytelling. I am a visual person and being able to see and hear a story through the cool use of technology makes the story better and easier to understand. Love love love digital storytelling.


Have any of your attitudes changed?

-Not at all, what I felt while writing these blogs, is how I feel now. It takes a lot for me to change my mind on something. The pure bliss of stubbornness 🙂

What surprised you most about what you learned or were exposed to this semester?

-That I actually got a 7 out of 10 on that quiz we took in blog 3.

What additional topics should be included?

-I can’t think of any currently. We covered a lot of things.


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