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{TEN}: Overview

With only a couple more weeks of school left, the New Media class is to ponder or relive what we have learned while writing these blogs. Well, here I am to tell you what I have gathered from keeping, writing and researching for a blog.

In the first post it was merely an introduction and what New Media means to us. I see New Media as ever changing and never ending. “Ten, twenty, fifty years from now, when something better than what we have now is created will be known as new media and what we know now of new media will be considered “movable type” or just the beginning of whats going to happen in the future.” This was a quote I stated in the blog and I stand by it still because it’s completely true. Years from now things will have changed. Maybe there won’t be phones, maybe there will be. Maybe there won’t be iPad’s, maybe there will be. There is no answer to what is going to come in the future, but for right now, we have a lot of technology that is indescribable and ever changing.

Post two was laying out your social media, news media and entertainment media in a chart saying what you use for each category. Because this topic was the one I did my Lead Discussion on, I read everyone’s blog and from what I saw from everyone’s charts, consolidation is key. News is integrating with entertainment, social media is integrating with news, etc. Our phones can not only text and call people but it can know where we are, it can show us our favorite shows, it can update us on current events. It has consolidated, New Media has consolidated.

The third post was about when technology makes headlines. It was no surprise to me when I found out that he biggest single event or storyline during the year involved the perils of technology. All I can say about this is, once again, its not technology’s fault, its ours.

Okay, so post number four! This was my favorite. We were to find a good and bad instructive video on YouTube. I figured out from this exercise that YouTube isn’t bad at all. Its more entertaining than anything. Yes, there are bad instructive videos, but YouTube hosts millions of videos so don’t you think there will be at least one good video of that bad instructive one? Also, because YouTube has many restrictions and has the flagging element, bad videos are blocked. I say, keep YouTubing!

The fifth post was about social media involving individuals and social media involving businesses. Social media has become a large part of society. Why? It’s the perfect way to keep in touch with family and friends, the perfect way to advertise your business, the perfect way to keep your virtual garden blooming and the perfect way to stalk someone! Sounds intriguing eh? The bad thing about social media is that it consumes our lives if we don’t maintain a healthy relationship with the phenomenon. All in all, social media is great for individuals AND businesses.

Numero seis, news becoming socially inclined. There is no denying that news has become “hip” with the ages and has conveniently placed their stories online for the technologically savvy. However, not all people want to read their news online. As much as I do love technology and the integration of news and technology, I still like the idea of newspapers, for the sentimental factor. Reading comics, looking through the ads and searching to see if someone I know is getting married in the Lifestyle section was a big part of my Sunday. Now, you have to search through a database to get to what you want. Sometimes its easy, sometimes not. I just hope newspapers stay afloat!

The seventh blog lead us to discuss participatory/citizen journalism. These days everyone’s opinion counts for something. Therefore, citizen journalism has become pretty popular. I like it and dislike it. I think journalism should be left to the professionals but of course thoughts from others can enhance or un-enhance a story. This topic is sticky.

Blog eight was a lot of fun to research because I love digital storytelling. I am a visual person and being able to see and hear a story through the cool use of technology makes the story better and easier to understand. Love love love digital storytelling.


Have any of your attitudes changed?

-Not at all, what I felt while writing these blogs, is how I feel now. It takes a lot for me to change my mind on something. The pure bliss of stubbornness 🙂

What surprised you most about what you learned or were exposed to this semester?

-That I actually got a 7 out of 10 on that quiz we took in blog 3.

What additional topics should be included?

-I can’t think of any currently. We covered a lot of things.


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{EIGHT}: Digital Journalism

If you have had the fortune of your beloved relative to read you a bedtime story then you will understand what I am about to state. Stories have a tremendous way of sticking with us forever. I remember as a child my Nana would read stories out of a book called The Jack Tales, more specifically, “Sop Doll” has been embedded into my brain. This one story consisted of a new employee working at a mill and cats that were actually witches. But this story really stands out to me because of the manner my Nana told it. She altered her voice to sound eerily like the character that was speaking and while she narrated she really knew how to grab attentions by using tones and dynamics. Tales are still around but now we have a way of making them even better! Digital-izing them.


How many of us can say that we listen to every bit of a story even if it has a undertone of boring in it? I am pretty sure none of us would say we do. I don’t believe that this is a generational product, I think it is because humans need something other than words to be able to have an interest in information being spoken. Fortunately, we have the aid of videos to help with the capacity of paying attention.


I couldn’t find a better way of explaining digital storytelling than how Joe Lambert, co-founder of the Center for the Digital Story Telling does, “Digital storytelling begins with the notion that in the not too distant future, sharing one’s story through multiple mediums of imagery, text, voice and animation will be the principle hobby of the world’s people.” This quote really sums up digital storytelling in a precise way. Telling a story through the art and digital resources we have today. Not only can we use these tools for just tales, we can use them for news. Being able to visualize what is happening around us makes it easier to understand and comprehend.


Below, I am posting two example of digital storytelling. The first one is about a runner named Laura who shares her thoughts about her favorite hobby. I like this video because the director did an excellent job capturing her in her element while also bringing his art through by using vibrant colors, visual effects, excerpts of from her interview and a well-fitting song. The second video is about a man named Matt who traveled across the world showing off his signature dance to each of the natives to the countries he payed a visit to. I watch this video anytime I doubt myself or am going through struggles because this video shows that yes, our cultures and skin may be different but we are people, not monsters who should enjoy even the smallest of things in life, like dancing.


P.S.: Where did Spring Break go?!?!





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{SEVEN}: Citizen and Participatory Journalism

Citizen journalism according to Wikipedia, is the “concept of members of the public playing an active role in the process of collecting, reporting, analyzing and disseminating news and information.” This kind of journalism has become very powerful within the past couple of years. The birth of blogging is what I believe to have begun citizen and participatory journalism. Before blogging the audience was to discuss their feelings towards a subject to their friends but now that the audience has a platform that is capable of having one’s voice proclaimed all over the internet.

In the article “What is Participatory Journalism,” a question is asked. Is blogging journalism? In my opinion, no. I believe one should study journalism and know the in’s in outs before they call themselves a “journalist.” I don’t call myself a photographer even though I have taken three years of photography classes and have had a lot of experience with taking photos. However, I am not so savvy with photography that I will say, “HEY! I’M A PHOTOGRAPHER!” Just because you have the right to speak your mind and journal your thoughts does not mean that you are a journalist.

Blogging has now moved into a new era, vlogging. Not only can you type your opinions, but you can record your face saying them. This is much more of an intimate approach and yet much more entertaining. One is able to visualize the author and know their style instantly. Vlogging allows the author to connect with their followers more effectively. For instance, I have a friend who works for UT Tyler. He literally vlogs and blogs for his job. This is a technique used to make Tyler and the school seem appealing to a future student. My friend, Ely, vlogs about daily life and also blogs about the same things. He has more followers for his vlogs rather than for his blogs. I believe this is something humans just prefer is being able to see the person rather than just read because, come one, reading is just WAY TOO BORING. Well, to me it isn’t.

I can’t fathom what will be next in citizen and participatory journalism, but I have a feeling it is going to something ridiculous like a hologram.

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{SIX}: News Becoming Socially Inclined

Being a person who does not like to suppress and depress herself by watching a show for 30 minutes about riots, rallies, revolutions and rising gas prices, I do not delve into the world of news. However, I do find local news stories to be a lot more interesting and rather personal. Therefore, for this blog I chose to follow KTRE. Yes, KTRE is not technologically forward, however, that does not mean they should be put off to the side. They bring to us news that relates to our own area, which other news stations cannot do. One could turn on the channel and see a person who they graduated with accused of doing an act that one may or may not have been surprised about hearing. I can’t tell you how many people I have known that have been charged with things I would never have imagined. That is what is so intereting. Well, it’s interesting in my opinion at least.

The most recent post KTRE posted on their Facebook was Lufkin Police release video from high-speed chase and crash. I emerged myself in the 5 minute video. The chase was thrilling and eventful, and we all know that around these areas we don’t get too many news stories that are thrilling nor eventful. A 37-year-old-man named Robert Raymond Jones was the driver in a high-speed chase from last Sunday,  February 20. Police were behind Jones from Diboll to Lufkin, to Diboll again. Jones frequently made illegal u-turns which could have resulted in many crashes that night. Thankfully, no one was seriously injured.  The chase ended after authorities say  Jones, of Houston, intentionally hit five patrol units and an 18-wheeler head-on. KTRE released RAW video of the speed demon in action.

In response to this video and article, I said, “I’m a little bummed that I was not able to see this happening in front of my own eyes. I mean, the highlight of my day or week is just being able to watch my 5 shows on Thursday nights. Maybe next time. But in all honesty, I am glad no one got hurt.”

Okay so maybe my comment was an odd truth in a sarcastic manner, but, it was what I was feeling at the time I posted it. I mean, I am being completely honest.

KTRE does a great job with creating a way for the community to get together and share their thoughts on these stories whether they are sad or inspiring. They open up discussions on their web site for people to chime in and, most importantly, they let you know first hand if your school is conveniently closing due to sever weather. KTRE also has an app that immediately lets you know of breaking news  that I actually downloaded on my phone about a month ago.

News is becoming more and more technology ready with their use of Facebook, Twitter, blogs and apps. They will always be stepping up with the rest of us in the direction of new media and new technology.

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{FIVE}: Social Media

I think I speak on behalf of most of the class by saying we had a ton of articles and videos to view for this blog posting. And that particular video that was over 40 minutes long seemed to be a little much. However, and I swear I am telling the truth, I watched the whole video from start to finish. It was very informative and very true. Not only did it have Mark Zuckerberg telling about his theories on his creation, but it also featured the creators of Digg, Napster, Craiglist, Twitter, Myspace, etc. You don’t hear much about these creators as much as you do Zuckerburg, probably because there isn’t much controversy behind these other sites. First, I will talk about social networking for individuals and then will move onto social networking for businesses.




A quote that popped out at me while watching Download – The True Story Of The Internet “People Power” was “Everyone is connected to everyone, however distantly.” For example, I know someone named Bob who knows Jan who knows George who knows Hank who is a friend of Britney Spears. Does that make me a friend of Britney? Probably not, but it does make me connected to her even though the line of friends from me to her is pretty lengthy.

While watching the video Twouble with Twitters: SuperNews! I found myself disliking twitter more and more. Yes, Facebook is a social networking site, even though Zuckerberg says it isn’t, but Facebook also has apps, a messaging system, chats and various other elements that coincide with one another and Twitter doesn’t. Twitter does one thing, status updates. In this video it was said by a character that they don’t exist if they can’t tweet. This is a belief of most people whether they know it or not. Its as if we aren’t living or thriving without hopping onto our favorite sites, exploring its new content and creating a sentence or two of our daily occurrences.

So why is it that “content is created by the crowd?” Because we are starting to move in to an era of the people. We have outlets now that allow us to speak our minds while keeping it PG-13. There are blogs, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter that all give us an open forum to just talk. How many of us can rant and rave about almost anything? And how many of us have friends that will sit there and listen to you rant and rave about those things? Probably not very many. These social networking sites let you say most anything, with the exception of topics that are deemed inappropriate.




More thank likely if you have a business that you are participating in a site that reaches out to the general public. Those sites are typically social networking sites. These sites give you the chance to advertise all and everything a business offers.

A friend of mine works for UT Tyler. His job is literally to work with the school Facebook and Twitter and also make blogs and vlogs to entice future students. Lucky huh? UT Tyler isn’t the only school participating in this kind of advertising, SFA does as well. Because of the ability to post school events straight to a place that more than half of the students partake in allows for the school to become better and more involved. Students will check their Facebook more often than the schools site to find news.

All in all, business are moving into the realm of social networking because they know it works. They know that they can be heard better there than on a billboard, a business card, a newsletter or a web site.


I don’t see social networking dying off anytime soon, however, I would like to see what is going to be able to top it.


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{Four}: YouTube; Good vs. Bad

Launched in February of 2005, YouTube has now localized in 23 countries across 24 different languages. This viral site receives 24 hours worth of video every minute. These videos range from showing you how to put on makeup to having a grown man chase you with a power drill. One can honestly say that YouTube provides hours and hours worth of random-osity, if that is a word. I truly believe that YouTube is another site that can be beneficial but can also cause major headaches, like most medias these days. Heck, life causes headaches. Time and time again I have used YouTube as a resource for a research paper, gotten answers to life questions or questions in general and explored the sites many pages to decipher which smart phone I wanted. I don’t think many professors like that their students use this site as a guide. Thankfully, for this blog we were actually supposed to use YouTube as our resource.

Below is the result of me searching for “Instructional Video Fail:”

If you watched the whole video then I am very proud of you! I took all I had in me to keep watching because it just seemed so….. wrong. Firstly, why are they monkeys?! Why can’t they just be little kids? I know that in the end it says that these children were monkeys because they were all using wrong turning signals and weren’t sharing the sidewalk, but honestly, do they NEED to be monkeys? Not only were the monkeys, but it was only monkey faces. And not only was it just monkey faces but they were paper mache monkey faces. It was a tad frightening, in my opinion. Secondly, the kids all were injured so bad that they were put into the hospital. What kind of message sends this to people? To me, it is saying “Hey! If you don’t do this laundry list of things while riding your bike then you will be put in the hospital or die. Oh! and you will also be considered a monkey that has a paper mache face.” Thirdly, at 4:27 you are introduced to two kids who are sharing a bike. The larger child on the front of the bike broke his own bicycle and therefore is riding on his friends. Well, due to this characters larger size, the smaller kid can’t see around him which causes them both to fall into a hole. Might I mention that the hole would never be able to fit to kids plus a bike in it. Basically, this video is a complete fail and I think that these faces will always be burned into my memory.

The good instructional video I am posting on here is one that I believe will help a lot of people. I am definitely going to try this as soon as this blog is posted:

I try my hardest to take care of my skin to the best of my abilities. Because of many failed attempts to keep my skin clear I have frequented YouTube to see tips on how to have healthy skin. Today was no exception. I found this video to be helpful and I am going to try this and cross my fingers that it works. You can’t deny that you have at least had a blackhead once in your life. The owner of this video did very well with explaining the steps thoroughly and having a positive attitude that wasn’t annoying or overbearing. I find often that girls post videos with their makeup done up and their hair perfect and once that camera comes on they are playing with their hair. This girl was all natural and was merely trying to help viewers like me know simple and easy ways to shed their imperfections and show their fresh skin.

All in all, YouTube, I believe, is more beneficial than not. It entertains, inspires and informs those who take part in viewing the sites videos. More often than not you will find a video you like rather than the opposite. Thanks YouTube!

This video is for those who have cats, or dogs, who are always up to no good. Especially when you have expensive things that you cannot afford to replace. It features a cat who is constantly breaking things and always wants to be fed. Enjoy!

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{Three}: Quiz; When Technology Makes Headlines

The reading this week was centered around the topic of technology in the publics eye. There was no surprise that “The biggest single event or storyline during the year involved the perils of technology.” All I heard last year was don’t text while you drive, don’t text while you drive, don’t text while you drive. Celebrities like Oprah and Tyra Banks had guests on their shows to talk about the dangers. Even giant billboards are scattered about across the nation now all because irresponsible new media users are making deadly mistakes. I feel almost like people want to blame the technology, maybe not as much as they want to blame the person responsible, but at least a little. It in the humans nature to place blame on something that might not even fight back. Here’s the truth: TECHNOLOGY DOESN’T CAUSE PROBLEMS, WE DO!”

“The second-biggest storyline addressed a more positive development:  the launch of the latest Apple iPhones. Attention to the release of the iPad was not far behind.” No shock and no reaction here.


It seems as though the public does not know what to think about technology. Look at this chat ===>

Its either technology is great or I don’t trust it. We tend to teeter totter on what we really think about it. I am 99% positive that these 18% of people have the internet or at least have used it in the past and for whatever reason has just decided, “Meh, I don’t trust it.” For what rhyme or reason do they NOT trust it? Shoot, get a software to protect your computer, don’t download things that can harm your computer. I think this chart is making my blood boil.

Finally, The quiz we all were assigned to take was shockingly herculean. However, for some outlandish reason, I got 7 out of 10 questions correct. Each question seemed harder than the next and I purely just thought of what I had heard in the past year about news stories and media  and then clicked an answer. Lucky guessing I suppose.


1 What was the most-covered technology story from June 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010? correct Answer Texting while driving Texting while driving The practice and danger of texting while driving accounted for about 9% of the technology stories examined in a PEJ study. The No. 2 story, the Apple iPhone, represented 6% of the stories.
2 As of September 2010, how many states prohibited texting while operating a motor vehicle? correct Answer 30 30 According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 30 states (as well as the District of Columbia) had outlawed texting while driving. Nine states have outlawed talking on a hand-held cell phone while driving.
3 Which of these tech companies received the leastamount of coverage in the mainstream media from June 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010? correct Answer Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft was the focus of only 3% of all tech stories, according to a PEJ study. Apple received the most: it was the subject of 15% of the tech stories during the period, which coincided with the introduction of two new iPhone models and the iPad. Google was second, at 11%.
4 What media outlet broke a story about Apple’s next generation iPhone after acquiring the prototype from someone who found it left behind in a bar? correct Answer Apple contacted police who searched the home of Gizmodo’s editor, setting off a legal debate about whether his home is a newsroom that should be protected by California’s “shield law” designed to protect journalists.
5 What percent of American adults use the internet? correct Answer 79% 79% According to a spring 2010survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project, 79% of people aged 18 and older report having used the internet at some point. Young adults, aged 18-29, were the most likely to use the internet: 95%.
6 Which technology company was the subject of the most posts and links on Twitter from June 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010? wrong Answer Microsoft Twitter Twitterers tweet more about Twitter than any other tech company, according to a PEJ study.The company accounted for 15% of the storylines on the site. The iPhone was No. 2, at 8%.
7 True or false: the Cub Scouts offer a merit award for video gaming. correct AnswerTrue True Tiger and Cub Scouts and Webelos can earn a video gaming pin by completing a number of tasks, such as comparison shopping for a device, explaining why it is important to have a rating system, and organizing a family tournament.
8 What Apple-related stories received the most coverage in the mainstream media from June 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010? correct Answer The iPhone The iPhone The debut of two new iPhone models received significant coverage, from favorable reviews to stories about stores running out of stock and troubles with its antennae. Altogether, the iPhone was the No. 2 tech story, representing 6% of the coverage from June 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010, according to a PEJ study.
9 Which international technology story received the most attention in the mainstream media from June 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010? wrong AnswerChina and its attempts to censor Google Iranian protests and the internet Social media was not only used to inform the outside world of the protests in Iran, but was used to organize the protests themselves. The role of Twitter in what came to be known as the “Twitter revolution” became one of the biggest technology stories in the period, according to a PEJ study.
10 Which of these technology-related topics generated the most attention on Twitter from June 1, 2009, through June 30, 2010? wrong AnswerSocial networking trends Technology business and companies Nearly one third, 30%, of the top tech stories posted on Twitter focused on the technology business and high-tech companies. That was twice the amount of links devoted to social networking trends (15%). Perhaps surprisingly, cyber security accounted for only 5% of the attention and privacy, just 4%.


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{TWO}: Media Consumption

The list typed out below are the various media outlets I use when in need of entertainment, news or if I want to socialize.

Entertainment: Yahoo!, Kidd Kraddick, YouTube, EVO (phone) Applications,Internet, T.V., Movies(Netflix mostly), Facebook

News: Yahoo!, Internet, T.V., Kidd Kraddick, KTRE, E-mail, Word of mouth

Social: Facebook, Texting/Calling

As you can see some of the things I listed showed up more than once. I believe  that has happened because media is consolidating. For example, Yahoo! is now not only a place that you can send and receive E-mails. Now, Yahoo! provides news and it also allows one to chat with other Yahoo! members.

Currently, what is trending is to constantly keep up to date with others statuses, whereabouts and life in general while those same people are also viewing your statuses, whereabouts and life in general. This is where social networking like Facebook and Twitter come into play. These social networking sites allows you to become a total creeper, but honestly, that seems to be what the trend is! Personally, I do not use Twitter because I actually do not want to hear about how your various health problems are acting up or how your boyfriend/girlfriend is treating you like dirt. However, I do use Facebook but do not receive alerts on my phone.

After deciphering the blog readings Mr. Patterson posted for us to read, I noticed a few statistics that really caught my eye. Therefore, I would like to expand on said statistics.

– Search engines are playing a substantially larger role in people’s news gathering habits — 33% regularly use search engines to get news on topics of interest, up from 19% in 2008. (Pew, “Americans Spending More Time Following the News,” 2009)

* This statistic is very believable and is one that I actively take part in. Daily, if not weekly, we hear a breaking news story and will instantly go to Yahoo!, Google, Bing, etc… to find out the full story because it is quick and simple to type in a key word and find various sites to check out what happened.

– Most Facebook and Twitter users say they hardly ever or never get news there. (Pew, “Americans Spending More Time Following the News,” 2009)

* Facebook and Twitter was meant for social networking not news gathering. Typically, people want their news from a trusted source rather than from gossip.

– Online usage is relatively flat since last year, though more people are viewing video online than ever before. Certain age groups also view online video more than others do – Adults 18-24 watch more than 5 hrs each month vs. Adults 65+ watching just over 1 hr of online video. (Nielsen, “Three Screen Report: Media Consumption,” 2009)

* Millennials (ages 13-24) have grown up in an age where viewing videos is entertaining. Whereas, adults 65+ had to come up with their own entertainment. So of course this statistic would show the vast difference in video viewing. Although, I am a little bit shocked that the 65+ age group would watch online videos at all.

– More than 40% of online video is viewed at the workplace. Workers sitting in their offices for 40 hours a week do spend a bit of that time surfing the Internet. (Nielsen, “Future Trends in Media,” 2009)

* How many times have we been sitting at work and needed a break? How many time have we been sitting at work and needed a Facebook, Twitter, YouTubeYahoo!, etc… break? Typically, we veer off from an important task to see if anyone has posted on our new picture, video or status. Why do we do this? Any thoughts? I have noticed several people have succumbed to watching hilarious videos while on the job and, honestly, I don’t see the harm. Yes, if the worker is constantly watching videos or checking their social sites rather than committing to the task hand then of course this is a problem. However, if the worker is merely just wanting to take a break from a long and drawn out day then what’s the harm?

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{ONE}: About me; New Media


My name is Alyssa Rains and due to my status in a class called New Media, I am required to keep a blog. Take into consideration that I am not one for blogging but have an open mind to what this class will teach me.

Now that introductions are out of the way, I suppose I will reveal some facts about me and interests of mine. I am an East Texas native, born and raised in Lufkin, Texas. After graduating from Hudson High School in 2007 I went to Angelina College for two years to study Journalism. While I was there I worked for The Pacer for three semesters and was Editor-in-Chief for two of those semesters. Once I acquired all the credits I could get at A.C., I transfered to S.F.A. Currently, I am a senior and am majoring in Journalism with an emphasis in Photojournalism and a minor in Business Communications. I plan to graduate in the Fall of this year (fingers crossed). Once I graduate, I will continue to stay at S.F.A. and get certified in Secondary Education. Teaching is something I have wanted to do for the past three or four years and I believe it is what I am supposed to be doing.

My hobbies are few and far between because my main goal at this point is to get my Bachelors degree and become completely independent. However, I do have some hobbies I suppose I can announce.  Photography is something I have loved since high school. Being able to see your work being oo’d and awe’d at gives, I’m sure, everyone a great feeling. Something else I love doing is playing the piano. I took piano lessons when I was eight and quit when I was ten but picked it back up in my senior year of high school. That’s all the hobbies I can think of right now. Man, I need more things to do!


New media, according to, is a “term meant to encompass the emergence of digital, computerized, or networked information and communication technologies in the later part of the 20th century.” Unless you live in a remote village that knows nothing about newspapers, computers,cell phones and various other mediums, then you are an active supporter and user of media. Because humans have this need to create something that is bigger and better than what was made just last year, we keep coming out with mediums like the iPad and smartphones. These devices are capable of brining the news straight to our hands, this is a phenomenon that people one hundred years ago never saw coming. Lucky for all of us, we have the opportunity to learn and enthrall ourselves in these brilliantly designed technologies.

Gutenberg, the inventor of “movable type,” started the trend of creating mediums to bring to the people of that time media, or Bibles. A big leap led us into the future, when Bill Gates invented Microsoft, thus beginning an era of the internet. Fast forward to today and we have things that we take for granted. For instance, I am a lover of phones. With this unfortunate love and obsession comes a need to have whats new on the market and better, faster phones come out each year. In December I got the HTC EVO but I know that just in a few months a better phone will launch. However, I plan to keep supporting my phone until I lose it or drop in the toilet or something. See what I mean? With the incredible advances in technology comes an even more incredible need for something bigger and better.

Ten, twenty, fifty years from now, when something better than what we have now is created will be known as new media and what we know now of new media will be considered “movable type” or just the beginning of whats going to happen in the future.


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